# Element Attributes And Events

In the real world, we usually use content such as name, age, gender, appearance, etc. to describe a person. Similarly, in HTML, there is also content to describe elements (such as element name, style, etc.), which we collectively call attributes (such as The name attribute of the element name is specified below, and the style attribute of the element style is specified).

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# Attributes Composition

A property must contain the following three parts: attributes name, equal sign and attributes value (surrounded by a pair of single/double quotes)


There is a space between the attribute and the element name (or the previous attribute if there are already one or more attributes)

# GloBal Attributes

Global attributes are attributes common to all HTML elements, they can be used on all elements, even though attributes may not work for some elements. We can specify global attributes on all HTML elements, even those not specified in the standard. This means that any non-standard element must still be able to apply these attributes, even if using these elements means the document is no longer html5 compliant.

Attributes Name Effect Attributes Value
accesskey Provides a hint to generate keyboard shortcuts for the current element String
autocapitalize Controls whether and how user text input is automatically capitalized Enumeration type:
off or none all letters default to lowercase
on or sentences: the first letter of each sentence defaults to uppercase, other letters are Defaults to lowercase
words: the first letter of each word defaults to uppercase; all other letters default to lowercase
characters: all letters default to uppercase
class A space-separated list of element classes that allow CSS and Javascript to select and access specific elements via class selectors or DOM methods. String
contenteditable Indicates whether the element can be edited by the user. If it can, the browser modifies the element's components to allow editing. Enumeration type: true, false
data-* It known as custom data attributes, which give us the ability to embed custom data attributes on all HTML elements, and allow scripting to exchange proprietary data between HTML and DOM representations. String
dir Indicates the direction of text in an element Enumeration type:
ltr, refers to left to right
rtl, refers to right to left
auto, refers to the direction determined by the user agent.
draggable Whether to allow dragging elements using the drag and drop API Enumeration type: true, false
hidden Indicates whether the element is hidden Boolean
id Defines a document-wide unique identifier (ID). It is used to identify elements in links (using snippets), scripts and styles (via CSS). String
is Allows you to specify that standard HTML elements behave like defined built-in elements String
lang language for representing elements BCP47 Define
part Contains a space-separated list of the names of the part attributes in the element. By the name of the part, the CSS pseudo-element "::part" can be used to select and style the specified element in the shadow tree. String
slot Assign a slot in a shadow tree to an element: The element with the slot attribute is assigned to the slot created by the slot whose value of the name attribute matches the value of the slot attribute. String
style Contains CSS style declarations to apply to the element. String
tabindex Indicates if its element is focusable, and if/where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation (usually using the Tab key, hence the name). Integer
title Represents advisory information text, relative to the element to which it belongs. This information is usually present, but never necessary, and is displayed to the user as a prompt. String
translate It is used to specify whether the attribute value of the corresponding element and the content of its child text nodes should follow the system language to make corresponding translation changes. Enumeration type: yes, no
itemid A unique global identifier representing an element, used in Microdata technology String
itemprop Used to add properties to an object, used in Microdata technology String
itemref Provides a list of element ids (not itemids), with additional attributes elsewhere in the document, for use in Microdata technology String
itemscope It defines a data item associated with metadata for use in Microdata technology Boolean
itemtype The URL specifying the vocabulary that will be used to define the itemprop (item property) in the data structure for use in Microdata technology url
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